Group Therapy / Group Analytic Psychotherapy
In general, human beings like being part of a group, whether it’s family, friends, work colleagues or coming together with a common interest or purpose. I work with different types of groups, over varying lengths of time.
These groups provide a space to reflect, to think about what is happening in one’s life at a particular stage. Here’s some examples to give you an idea:
Anxiety, stress
Relationship issues
Moving from one stage of life to another (e.g. children leaving home, retirement, starting a new job, becoming a parent)
Loss (bereavement, end of a relationship)
Serious illness (oneself, a family member, partner, or close friend)
If you’d like more information about joining a Therapy Group, please email me at, call me on 087 4361868, or click here for a copy of my explanatory leaflet.
I have a Diploma in Group Work Practice from the School of Psychotherapy, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin. I’m a member of IGAS (Irish Group Analytic Society), and I have professional indemnity insurance.